Career Advancement Program

The Speed Group Career Advancement Program offers a range of services to help individuals grow in their careers. This includes mentorship with Hinchcliffe, where drivers will have both pre and post-event meetings, receive detailed driver reports, and get guidance off the track.

The program also covers strategy aspects such as contract review, consultation, negotiation, series and team options, team liaison, and education and support for acquiring sponsors. Media-related support is provided too, including coaching, social media training, and on-event interviews with Lee and Hinchcliffe.

Additionally, sponsorship and business-to-business strategy will be provided alongside extended networking opportunities.



Social Media Management

Social Media is a game-changing, powerful and influential mean to reach and grow your fan base in order to branch out from the competition. We at Speed Group have experience in many of the biggest racing series in the world: Formula 1, IndyCar, IMSA, FIA WEC and TCR International.

Digital Campaigns

Drivers are never guaranteed to win every race and give their sponsors the maximum exposure. Digital Marketing is the only way to guarantee and quantify exposure to sponsors. By implementing digital campaigns:

  • Your sponsors gain value regardless of your on-track results.

  • Through content creation and digital campaigns you can increase the sponsorship value.

  • You can justify the value that your sponsors are getting with actual dollar amounts.

Execution, Monitoring & Analytics

Growth campaigns

Website Management & Design

Strategy Development

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Driver Management




Mental Coaching

Through the use of specialized assessments and one on one coaching, our mental strength programs are tailor made for each individual. These programs are aimed at helping drivers become aware of, and to train and develop mental skills in order to help the drivers become their optimal selves on and off the track.

Career Development

Budget Management

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One Off Event

Guest Management

  • Credentials

  • Hospitality

  • Paddock Tours

  • Special Events

  • Logistics

Social Media

Social medial a game-changing, powerful and influential mean to reach and grow your fan base in order to branch out from the competition. We at Speed Group have experience in many of the biggest racing series in the world: Formula 1, IndyCar, IMSA, FIA WEC and TCR International.

Golf Cart Rentals Motorhome

Rentals Mental Coaching